Value of Land Surveyors When Subdividing Property

There are a number of processes that are often carried out for larger tracts of property or land, and one that’s very common among land owner, developers and other related professionals is the need to subdivide property. Referring to any process that splits one property into two or more smaller properties, subdividing is incredibly common – it’s best-known in popular culture for its creation of “subdivisions” for homes, but has many further uses as well.

At Diamond Land Surveying, we’re happy to offer the very best land surveying services for clients in Salt Lake City and the state of Utah, including services like subdivision surveys to help with any subdividing process you’re looking to carry out. Here are some of the primary ways our land surveyors provide value when it comes to subdividing needs.

land surveyors subdividing property

Meeting City and County Regulatory Compliance Application Requirements

As mentioned, it’s also incredibly important for any subdivision project to be meet compliant with all relevant city and county application zoning regulations in the area requirements – and that’s where our land surveyors can help. We work directly with you and city or county staff to ensure that your subdivision meets code requirements. Subdividing can be a confusing process to work through, but we’re here to assist you each step of the way. It’s really common for city and county reviewers to make added requests or “redline” changes to your submission – but rest assured, we’ll work with them to make the adjustments they require. By taking detailed measurements of the property, its features and its boundaries, we provide a reliable record of what’s exactly in place – which helps ensure that there are no issues later on.

In addition, our surveyors will can provide a detailed boundary survey of the current configuration and makeup of your property. This is almost always a requirement of local government planners and zoning specialists. reports of their findings that can be used to file for the relevant permits and authorizations required for any subdividing process. This ensures that no time is wasted in the event of regulatory compliance issues further down the line – making it easier to get on with the project at hand.

Accurate, Precise Measurements

Another major benefit of working with our land surveyors is the fact that we provide accurate measurements for property boundaries. We use modern technology to ensure that every single measurement taken is as precise and reliable as possible – so you can be sure that any subdividing process will go ahead without a hitch.

In addition, our surveyors also take detailed records of the locations of any features that may be present on the property, such as trees or buildings – so there’s no confusion further down the line.

Optimizing New Parcel Layout

Especially if you have a large tract of land you’re dividing into several smaller pieces, but even if you’re just splitting a single property into two, our surveyors can help with optimizing the layout of any new parcels. This can include using measurements and calculations to ensure that each parcel has then optimal size you’re looking to create- while also keeping things as equitable as possible amongst all parties involved.

Without professional assistance, it can be hard to work out the best possible layout for any new parcels – but by working with qualified surveyors, it’s easier than ever to produce a subdivided property that works perfectly for everyone involved.

Resolving Any Boundary Disputes Quickly

There are only a few things that can slow down a subdividing process for any property, and one of them is a boundary dispute. In some cases, the lines of property ownership may not be as clear-cut as you or other parties believed them to be – and that’s where our land surveyors can help.

By providing an accurate representation of any boundaries involved in the subdividing process, it’s possible to quickly resolve any disputes between related parties before they become too severe. This can also provide you with a better understanding of what exactly you’re purchasing and its associated boundaries – so there are no surprises further down the line.

Financial Peace of Mind

Another benefit of working with our surveyors is the fact that we provide financial peace of mind. We offer highly competitive rates for our activities – so you can be sure that you’re getting a fair price for your subdivision project.

In addition, by providing accurate measurements and detailed reports on our findings, you can  avoid potentially expensive boundary disputes further down the line – and that can save a lot of money in the long run.

At Diamond Land Surveying, we’re proud to provide top quality land surveying services for clients around Salt Lake City and all of Utah – including subdivision surveys for those looking to subdivide property. With accurate measurements, detailed surveys and our hands-on approach to working with local municipalities, it’s easier than ever to ensure that any subdividing process is successful and cost-effective. Reach out to us today to learn more about what we have to offer, whether here or in any other residential or commercial land surveying need.